Donations for flood victims in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

Whilst many of us were enjoying our year end holidays with our families, the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia witnessed a disastrous floods making more than 100,000 people its victims.

The unusual heavy monsoon rainfall had created massive floodings in the East Coast especially in the state of Kelantan.  Places not prone to floodings before are even affected and submerged into at least 3.0m of water.  The last huge floodings the state saw was in 1972 known as the ‘Red Floods’.

Although the flood level had subsided, it had claimed some casualties, caused extensive damage or loss of properties and displaced thousands.  Many are now dependent on supplies provided by relief efforts.

In light of this, we seek your sympathies in extending your kind assistance towards the humanitarian relief efforts in terms of cash donations.  All donations will be channeled through identified NGOs and directly affected victims.

We thank you in advance for your generosity and may we all have a better 2015.

During Flood /Ketika banjir

After Flood / Selepas banjir

Persatuan Anak Melayu Switzerland (PAMS)

Malayisher Verein Schweiz


Postfinance Switzerland

Account no: 80-35219-2

IBAN: CH43 0900 000 8003 5219 2



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